Benefits of Quitting Government Dependency

Many people who quit receiving government handouts are surprised by how good they feel!

They feel in charge

They don’t need to receive money extracted from their neighbors at the point of a gun
They don’t have to find places to spend food stamps
They don’t have to worry about their government dependency bothering others

They smell good

Their hair, clothes, and breath don’t smell like government dependency
Their cars, homes, and kids don’t smell like a government dependent
They can better smell food and other good smells

They feel more relaxed

They don’t have to make sure they always have plenty of food stamps
They have more money because they work hard
They are not as worried about their health

They look and feel better

They feel good about no longer being a lazy duffer
Their skin looks healthier
They have more energy when they walk, play with their kids, or do something active

The reality of quitting

The benefits of quitting are far better than the discomforts of recovery! Stay with it and find your freedom. Once you do, you’ll never let it go.

Quitting government dependency is hard work…
But it can be done. Millions of people just like you have become and are still former government dependents.

I will crave government handouts…
But cravings will pass. Most cravings only last a few minutes, and over time the urges to get food stamps will get weaker and come less often.

Withdrawal is uncomfortable…
But it isn’t painful. It’s for a short time and it’s manageable.

I might gain weight…
Gaining a few extra pounds after quitting is normal, but exercise and healthy eating can stop most of this weight gain, if not all of it.

Everything I do reminds me of entitlements and welfare…
Free stuff has been part of your daily life, like drinking coffee and waiting for the bus. But every day that you spend as a self-sufficient, hard worker will help make new routines that don’t include government masters.

Government is a part of me…
Free stuff feels good because you’ve had lots of practice being a government dependent. But you have years ahead of you to practice being in charge of your own life, and to enjoy the liberty that God gave you.


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